Friday, June 12, 2020

What Constitutes of Climate Change and its Effects on Earth - 550 Words

What Constitutes of Climate Change and its Effects on Earth (Essay Sample) Content: Climate change researchInstitutional affiliationsDateClimate change is a real phenomenon which is a matter of concern in the world. Meehl Arlbaster (2013) describes it as a major change in the general statistical distribution of weather pattern. This happens especially when the change lasts for a long period of time. Climate change can also be defined as the average change in the weather conditions of a place or the time variations of weather for a very long time for the average weather conditions. Climate change has a lot of impacts especially on the existence of human beings around the world. The main aim of this paper is to establish the main reason why climate change is a matter of concern. This involves the causes of climate change, how it affects the earth and what needs to be done to combat climate change.Causes of climate changeAccording to Kasting Siefert (2012) there are various factors which bear as a result of climate change. Some of these factors are na tural while others have an impact from human activities. One of the natural causes of climate change is continental drift. Continental drift has an impact on the climate because it changes the positioning of physical features such as the positions occupied by the land mass as well as their nearness to water bodies. Another natural cause of climate change is volcanoes. During a volcano, a large amount of water, sculpture dioxide, dust and ash are removed into the atmosphere. The large volumes of gases released into the atmosphere during volcanoes can impact the climate for a very long time. Other natural causes of climate change include earth tilt and ocean currents. On the other hand, some of the human activities which are considered to be the major causes of climate change include burning of coal, oil and gas, cutting down trees, increasing the levels of livestock farming (live stock produce a high level of methane) and use of nitrogen fertilizers which in most cases produces nitro us oxide emissions.How climate change affects the earthOne of the effects of climate change is that it results to higher temperatures. This was especially evident in the year 2015 which recorded a high level of change. This in turn affects the ecosystem as well as the wild life habitat. Some wildlifes learn to adjust and if they do not adjust to the temperature changes, they tend to shift. Climate change also causes a rise in the sea levels. Rising sea levels might turn into disasters and in the end it might destroy the dense costal populations, erode the shore lines and destroy the nearby ecosystems such as the mangroves. Climate change also results into increased risks of disasters such as storms, droughts or even floods. This in turn has impacts in the economy (Meehl Arlbaster, 2013). Some economic sectors such as the fishing industry and the en...

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